Speedy Same Day Courier delivers across the UK, including remote and rural areas. Get your urgent package there fast and reliable, no matter the distance.

Exeter Courier Service

Same Day Courier Delivery
Dedicated Drivers In Exeter

online courier quote
  • Call: 01392 927480
  • Easy, Simple Book In 2 Min
  • Collected within 1 Hour
  • Delivered Same day Direct
  • Exeter Courier service

Why Choose Speedy Same-Day

  • Same Day Delivery using a dedicated vehicle
  • Personal Service – stays in the same hands
  • Collection from anywhere in the UK
  • Pick up within 30 to 90 minutes

Local speedy couriers from our Exeter same day courier service usually collect within 60 minutes of booking, more often it’s much sooner. The area of Devon and Exeter does become very congested at peak holiday times during the months of July and August, the holiday season can have an impact on our drivers pickup times, these can be even longer from outlying areas.

Even in the outer areas around Exeter such as Torquay, Newton Abbot, Exmouth and Dawlish we still aim to collect in under 90 minutes. We aim for a speedy same day courier to arrive at the collection address as soon as possible. although in some particularly inaccessible areas it may take slightly longer.

Whether you are looking for a sameday delivery from Exeter to London or Exeter to Manchester our same-day couriers really can collect and guarantee same day delivery exeter and deliver anywhere in the UK as soon as possible!

You can also call: 01392 927480 for a fast, free quote.

We have courier drivers ready and available at short notice across Devon and including location like Crediton Couriers, Exmouth Couriers, Honiton Couriers, Torquay Couriers, Teignmouth Couriers, Newton Abbot Couriers, Totnes Couriers, Dartmouth and Brixham Couriers

Our Exeter Dedicated Fleet:

  • Motorbike Couriers
  • Express Parcel Cars
  • Dedicated Vans
  • Extra-Large Vans
  • Luton Vans with Tail-Lift
  • 7.5 ton Curtain
  • Specialist Haulage
  • Fleet Logistics
  • Dedicated Supply Chain

Benefits of booking a

Exeter Courier Service
Speedy Dedicated Service

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Exeter Courier Quote

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Call: 01392 927480

If you need to contact us for a quotation or discuss an existing booking call us

london courier bike

Motorbike Courier Exeter

Use our dedicated motorbike courier service for urgent nationwide deliveries


Instant Booking

All courier services can be booked instantly online without any account

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direct same day delivery courier

Dedicated Cars & Vans

Our courier fleet ranges from express cars, vans and luton tail-lift trucks

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UK's Premier Sameday Couriers

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